Gift N. Lazarus, Blessing C. Funom


This study investigated the effect of folkloric storybooks on attitude towards storybooks by pupils in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study adopted the quasi-experimental design. A total of 119 pupils comprising 73 (Experimental Group) and 46 (Control Group) participated in the study. The intervention section covered 11 weeks and duration of 45 minutes in each of the session. There were four phases, the pre-session, pre-test, treatment and post-test. In each of the weeks, the researcher visited the group for 3 days to have 45 minutes of reading and discussion. These treatment groups were exposed to a folklore storybook while the control group was exposed to placebo treatment. Findings from the study revealed significant main effect of folklore on attitude towards storybooks among primary school pupils. The folklore treatment group (FG) had the highest estimated marginal means score of (55.52). Also, a significant interaction main effect was established between Treatment and Text possession and pupils with text possession have higher estimated marginal mean score as compared with their counterparts in the non-possession of tex. The study concluded that intervention such as folklore can be employed by librarians, teachers, and parents can be used to address the problem of poor attitudes towards and use of storybooks by pupils in Nigerian schools. The study recommended that primary school pupils should be exposed to folklore storybooks to improve their attitude towards as well as developed positive attitude towards storybooks in the pupils.


Attitude towards reading, Pupils, Folklore, Ibadan metropolis, Text possession

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